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Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine is used to highlight how your body is functioning so that issues can easily be identified and diagnosed.

What is Nuclear Medicine?

Nuclear medicine is a highly specialised medical field used to accurately diagnose issues within the body, specifically those related to organs and how your bodily systems are functioning.

To do this, nuclear medicine uses a small dose of a radiopharmaceutical (called a tracer) to temporarily make a patient slightly radioactive to highlight how your body is functioning and easily identify any issues that are occurring.

Nuclear medicine is used because it can accurately target cells and highlight the way the systems in your body are working in ways other medical imaging can’t.

If you’re having issues relating to a system in your body e.g. cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, or have Nuclear Medicine may be recommended by your doctor to assist in diagnosing your health concerns and determining the best course of treatment.

What can I expect in a nuclear medicine test?

Dependent upon the request from your doctor, the procedure involves the injection, swallowing or inhalation of a small amount of a chemical substance tagged with a radioactive tracer – a radiopharmaceutical.

The radiopharmaceuticals give off gamma rays and are designed to concentrate in the part of the body being investigated, where there could be an abnormality or disease, e.g. skeleton, lungs, heart or liver.

A special camera – a gamma camera then moves around the body, providing a series of images of the radioactivity occurring in that area.

About Your Test

Before your appointment

You will need a referral from your doctor to make an appointment.

Upon receiving your referral, our Bookings Team will be able to help assist you in finding a time that works for you to have your test done.

You will need to book in for imaging using Nuclear Medicine with a referral from your doctor. Our friendly booking team will advise you at the time of booking on how to prepare for your appointment.

On the day

Preparation is dependent on the type of exam being performed. Depending on the body part being examined, you may be required to wear a gown provided to you. 

The length of the test will vary depending on which procedure is being undertaken.

After your appointment

After your scan you can go about your day as normal. Any radiopharmaceutical remaining in your body will be quickly expelled by the body.

Your images will be looked over by our Radiologists and a secure report and copy of the images will be provided to your referring practitioner. We will also provide you with a printed copy to take with you to your next appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

You will need to book in for imaging using Nuclear Medicine with a referral from your doctor. Our friendly booking team will advise you at the time of booking on how to prepare for your appointment.
Yes absolutely. Like any medicine they are prepared carefully and tested before using on the general public. The risk of side effects is very low. The radiopharmaceuticals commonly used are quickly eliminated from the body through its natural functions. The dose is carefully selected to be safe by the Nuclear Medicine technician.

Our friendly radiography team will clearly explain what you have to do during the appointment, including administering of the radiopharmaceutical. 

Prior to your scan and to ensure optimal imaging, you may be asked to change into a gown. A change cubicle will be provided to ensure your privacy and you will be asked to bring your belongings will you, carry baskets are provided. You will be asked to place your belongings in a suitable location within the room for the duration of your scan. After your scan, you will be provided with a change cubicle to ensure your privacy. Please ensure you have all your belongings with you prior to leaving the department. If you accidentally leave anything behind, please contact our staff to advise and we will endeavour to locate your belongings and return them to you.

Scans can have different duration times depending on the nature of the procedures. You are welcome to call our friendly team to discuss your situation further.

Your images and report are provided through a secure online system to your doctor or healthcare provider. We will also provide you with a printed copy to bring to your next appointment.

Our friendly reception staff will advise you on the cost of your procedure at the time of your booking. If your exam is Medicare eligible, you will be bulk billed.