Our services
Cardiac Imaging
At Sunshine Coast Radiology we provide a range of cardiac services to support you in assessing the health of your heart.
What is Cardiac Imaging?
Cardiac imaging tests are used to screen for heart disease. They can determine what is causing your symptoms, monitor your heart and find out if your treatment is working.
Cardiac (heart) imaging procedures include CT Coronary Angiography and Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring. Our specialist radiologists supervise or perform these diagnostic procedures in our clinics across the Sunshine Coast.
An echocardiogram, or an ‘echo’ is a common procedure undertaking for cardiac imaging. It uses ultrasound (sound waves) to produce an image of your heart. No radiation is involved. Your heart muscle, valves, large blood vessels and blood flow can be assessed in great detail. Echocardiography provides your doctor with information about the blood pressure within the chambers of the heart and lungs. Echocardiography is not dangerous and does not involve radiation or x-rays. You should not feel pain or discomfort.
The scan is usually done on the lower back and one of the hips although sometimes the forearm is included in the examination.

Types of Cardiac Imaging
Cardiac imaging uses medical imaging technology to search for abnormalities. At Sunshine Coast Radiology we undertake a range of cardiac imaging including CT Cardiac Imaging, Echocardiography and Nuclear Medicine Cardiology.
Latest technology available offering:
• The GE Discovery CT 750 HD offers the highest available cardiac spatial resolution in the industry at 18.2 p/cm.
• Designed to deliver up to 50% lower dose.
• Multiplanar and 3D images are produced to highlight the coronary vessels and heart. This enables evaluation of the coronary tree and possible anomalies, coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis) assessment of bypass grafts/stents, and functional abnormalities.
How the examination is performed:
• Administration of beta blockers to ensure the heart rate is slow and regular, the patient is catherterised for an IV contrast injection. The scan is performed with ECG gating to ensure the images are obtained with minimal movement of the heart and lowest possible radiation dose.
• The images are processed using the latest iterative reconstruction technology from GE which maintains image quality, whilst allowing the
images to be obtained at significantly lower dose
An echocardiogram, or an ‘echo’ is a common
procedure undertaking for cardiac imaging. It
uses ultrasound (sound waves) to produce an
image of your heart. No radiation is involved.
Your heart muscle, valves, large blood vessels
and blood flow can be assessed in great detail.
Echocardiography provides your doctor with
information about the blood pressure within the
chambers of the heart and lungs. Echocardiography
is not dangerous and does not involve radiation
or X-rays. You should not feel pain or discomfort.
A technician will place small metal disks called
electrodes on your chest. These electrodes have wires
which attach to the ultrasound machine. This machine
monitors your heart rhythm during the test. To image
the heart, the technician will press firmly as he or
she moves the transducer across your chest and will
ask you to briefly hold your breath during the test.
For most of the test, you will be required to lie still.
An echocardiogram may take up
to 45 minutes to perform.
In Australia, one of the leading causes of death is Coronary artery disease (CAD).
A Myocardial Perfusion scan (MPS) can provide essential diagnostic and prognostic information. Myocardial Perfusion Scans have a higher sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 75%, than Exercise Stress Tests (67% and 70% respectively). An MPS can be useful if a patient presents with atypical chest pain, suspected stable angina, or for assessing blood flow after myocardial infarction, bypass surgery, angioplasty or stents. MPS can also be used for assessing fitness for work or surgery. A negative study has an excellent negative predictive value for significant coronary events and is of most value in the intermediate risk patient. MPS scans provide a physiological assessment of perfusion whereas Coronary Angiography or CTCA provides anatomical and nonquantitative coronary artery assessment.

About Your Test
Before your appointment
You will need a referral from your doctor to make an appointment.
Upon receiving your referral, our Bookings Team will be able to help assist you in finding a time that works for you to have your test done.
On the day
All you need to do is arrive at the clinic at the time of your appointment.
A technician will place small metal disks called electrodes on your chest. These electrodes have wires which attach to the ultrasound machine. This machine monitors your heart rhythm during the test. To image the heart, the technician will press firmly as he or she moves the transducer across your chest and will ask you to briefly hold your breath during the test. For most of the test, you will be required to lie still.
After your appointment
After your scan you can go about your day as normal.
Your images will be looked over by our Radiologists and a secure report and copy of the images will be provided to your referring practitioner. We will also provide you with a printed copy to take with you to your next appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no preparation needed for this test.
There are different risks associated with various cardiac imaging examinations. These risks will be explained to you by the Cardiologist before your examination begins.
Depending on the body part being examined, you may be required to wear a provided gown. We also request removal of jewellery and body piercing items which may be in the field of view. This makes interpretation of the images more accurate. Our friendly radiography team will clearly explain what you have to do during the appointment and will guide you through the process.
Prior to your scan and to ensure optimal imaging, you may be asked to change into a gown. A change cubicle will be provided to ensure your privacy and you will be asked to bring your belongings will you, carry baskets are provided. You will be asked to place your belongings in a suitable location within the room for the duration of your scan. After your scan, you will be provided with a change cubicle to ensure your privacy. Please ensure you have all your belongings with you prior to leaving the department. If you accidentally leave anything behind, please contact our staff to advise and we will endeavour to locate your belongings and return them to you.
The time taken depends on the type of cardiac imaging you are having done. Our team will be able to answer this question when you book.
Your images and report are provided through a secure online system to your doctor or healthcare provider. We will also provide you with a printed copy to bring to your next appointment.
Our friendly reception staff will advise you on the cost of your procedure at the time of your booking.